Use the interactive generator below to bootstrap your smart contract and learn about Kaia Contracts
Based on OpenZeppelin WizardKaia Contracts Wizard is an interface to interactively build a smart contract out of components from Kaia Contracts.
Select the kind of contract that you want (current support for KIP7, KIP17, KIP37, ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, Governor, and custom contracts), set your parameters and desired features (token name, symbol, premint amount, access control, etc.), and Contracts Wizard will generate all of the code necessary. The resulting code is ready to be compiled and deployed, or it can serve as a starting point and customized further with application specific logic.
There’s several options for how to proceed with it that will be useful in different circumstances. “Copy to Clipboard” as well as the standard “Download” will work well with local development workflows (such as using Hardhat or Truffle), whereas “Open in Remix” will be ideal for anyone working on Remix IDE.